Objectives |
The objectives for which the GLOBAL INSTITUTE FOR CHILDHOOD DISABILTY is established are:- |
To collect, organize and disseminate knowledge related to prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of Cerebral Palsy from various national and international sources. |
To plan and co-ordinate provision of services to Spastics in particular the established of :-
» Centre for Special Education.
» Residential Schools.
» Work Centres.
» Training Centres.
» Teacher training courses.
Such other activites and projects which the Managing Committee to whom management of the Society is entrusted, shall decide upon from time to time. |
And to review periodically the services provided by similar Centres established anywhere in the country or abroad. |
To promote these objects by the organization and the dissemination of information through books, leaflets, cards, educative films, documentaries, television, radio, video tapes, individual group and mass meetngs, seminars, workshops and all other possible media. |
To promote, conduct and engage in research and experimental work so as to promote the prevention of Cerebral Palsy and to be benefit to Spastics. |
To promote research activites and in particular.
» To conduct research in Cerebral Palsy.
» To conduct studies in the prevention and management of Cerebral Palsy.
» To Canvas the inclusion of Cerebral Palsy as a core subject of study in all medical and para- medical curricular.
To extend financial assistance and support facilites for the management of its branches and other Societies or bodies having similar or allied aims and objectives and for purpose to assist in getting such support from the Government and other Natinal and Internatinal Agencies. |
The Objectives of incidental and Ancillary to the main objects are: |
1. |
To provide economic assistance, social, paramedical and medical services conducive to the amelioration of the condition and place in life of Spastics and for this purpose to act collaboration with the families of such individuals, the medical profession or the other institutions with similar objectives. |
2. |
To train teachers and therapists in the special methods and techniques for proper educational and therapeutic intervention.
3. |
To issue and make applications for the purpose of procuring contributions to the funds of the Society in the shape of grants-in-aid, donations, cash or in kind or any gift of movable or imovable properties. |
4. |
To Undertake and accept Management of any endowment or trust, fund or donation to further the objects of the Society. |
5. |
To institute or grant prizes, awards, scholarships, stipends to further the objects of the Society. |
6. |
To award degrees, diplomas or certificates for the academic courses conducted by the society, subject to permission by any University, the State Government or the Central Government. |
7. |
To provide facilites for and to undertake the education, training, work adjustment and rehabiliation generally of persons suffering from Cerebral Palsy with such other handicaps as are not considered by the society to be incompatible with the development of an effective educational or rehabiliation programme. |
8. |
To provide special educational facilites to children/adults suffering from allied conditions who may benefit from the services offered. However, the percentage of such children/adults shall not exceed 15% of the number in any centre. |
9. |
To provide therapeutic services, along with or independently of special educational facilites. |
10. |
To provide therapeutic services, along with or independently of special educational facilites.
10. To setup and run sheltered workshops with a view to carrying out specially designed programmes of training, employment and work adjustment for Spastics. |
11. |
To establish and conduct day schools, residential establishments and such other institutions and clinics as would assist in attaining the above objects. |
12. |
To organise seminar and conferences, to appoint panels, committee and study teams and to take such other action as may be considered expedient, for stimulating interest in the disciplines connected with Cerebral Palsy and allied conditions and for promoting and conducting any survey or research directed the development of special services. |
13. |
Generally to do all such other things as may be necessary or incidental to the attainment of objects of Society or any of them. |
14. |
The benefits of the Society shall be open to all irrespective of caste, creed or religion. |